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dBs Dialogues Panel in Berlin - 19th April 2018

Honoured to have been invited to chair one of dBs Berlin's 'Dialogues' sessions, set to take place at Funkhaus on the 19th April. We'll be talking about mental health in the creative industries - the state of it, care and considerations for yourself and your team, and ultimately, how to successfully get by in an industry that relies so much on sharing yourself, as well as your work.

Come along! It's free! All info here...

"#4 Industry & Environment - Thursday 19 April, 18:30

Precariousness of earnings, constant exposure to feedback, definitions of success; the very nature of the creative industries we work in has a huge impact our mental health. In October last year Help Musicians UK's research exposed higher than average mental health issues in the UK music industry. But they also produced some clear guidance on how to turn this around, starting with education.

Let's create a better environment for all future artists and creative practitioners. Join us as we discuss: Who is responsible for duty of care? What can we do to give credibility to creative career paths? How can we be bold in our expression of self care?"
francine gorman